Wednesday, March 28, 2007

"people with short haircuts have attitudes"

i wish i was kidding. i JUST had a patient say this to me.


for both of us.

the scenario: i get a call at 11 this morning after making my way down to the university where i am pleading my case to have them allow me to complete my BSN. it's my floor CNC: we need you tonight. badly.
i had signed on for a 3-11 on wednesday after having the 3 year old from 8-2:30. we reviewed this. "we can tank that shift and figure it out later. i need you tonight. the nurses will KILL me if i don't have an NA tonight." this means i'll have the 3 year old after being up all night with a floor full of patients, some of whom need more attention than 3 nurses and an NA can give them. Case in point: the patient for whom this post is named.
i've been in her room a dozen times cleaning the CoLytely poop from her room mate who is bleeding like gang busters from her back end. i've been keeping the oxygen on a 450 pound patient who likes to be naked all of the time [lovely, really], who also likes having screaming matches with people in his sleep. we've had four admits since 11 pm, all of whom needed vitals twice plus the other four who needed them twice. we're a full house. 19 patients. i made three trips down stairs to get equipment and chucks because we couldn't wait for someone to bring them to us.
now, don't get me wrong. i love to help people, and i enjoyed the ten minute chat i had with the guy who's been here too long and has too much going at home to be happy about much of anything, but this particular patient doesn't say "please" and isn't nice. she isn't in any ridiculous pain, didn't have surgery and doesn't need help getting in and out of bed to pee like the three women next door to her. she bitched and moaned for hours about wanting a sandwich when i got on and scoffed at the graham crackers and peanut butter i was able to grab her between vitals and falling blood pressures. "i don't drink milk." "then don't drink it." "i won't."

she asked for water as i was leaving after the last bloody watery stool change. i handed her the water from her tray. "that water is warm." "it'll be a minute." "it always is."

i was getting her fresh ice water just then. just to prove the point that i wasn't trying to be mean to her. she hit her call button.

"did you hit your button?" "water." "i have it here for you." i wanted to throw it at her. "you said it would be a minute." "it happens, ma'am. i'm sorry." "i bet you are."

i couldn't get out of it. i'm exhausted. i was pissed. didn't she understand i was supposed to be sleeping so that i could bust my ass TOMORROW? didn't she understand i was bending over backwards to maintain the dignity of patients who needed help wiping their asses, cleaning the shit out of the beds they were lying in and couldn't walk to the bathroom without someone helping them out of the bed!!!???!!!

no. she couldn't.

my reply to her comment: "people with short hair have attitudes with people who don't say please and thank you." "i don't have to be polite. it's not my job. people with short hair cuts have attitudes." "what are you implying, ma'am?" i don't recall her response. "are you implying something about my hair cut or my life style?" the charge nurse came in and asked me for some totally benign information she could have gotten from a chart.

i should apologize. but how?

BK is doing. i went to see her tonight before checking into the floor. she started her 3rd round of chemo yesterday. she was assembling a collage and drinking a beer. she is skinny as hell and braver than anyone i know. she practically falls under the weight of her own bones. she was talking about the new chemo "i was doing some reading and it said this drug is shown to increase life expectancy five months. 5 months!? i'm doing all of this for Five Months?! what am i doing this for?" then she talked about Matisse. about how he created until the day he died. about how he adapted from painting to cutting paper when eh couldn't stand to paint anymore. she said the chemo nurses were different to her this time. that they were colder. she fears that they aren't as friendly because they know she's going to die and they don't want to get close to her.

i pray she never feels that way about me.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

ah, dear dad

my dad sends out a daily journal. something to pass the time and keep folks abreast of the happenings in his life. he began it as an excercise in processing and sharing while undergoing early [read: forced] retirement from sales, whence he began following his bliss and becoming [eventually] a general contractor. dad is where i get my love for words and ability to string them together.

yesterday dad mentioned the giggle-able wearing of green carnations by eager co-eds and how his professor used to chuckle because he knew that oscar wilde pre-empted the now more infamous pink triangle or a flag, don't forget:

The Labrys
The labrys is less popular now that it once was, even though its connection to lesbianism and women began thousands of years ago. The labrys is basically a double bladed axe or hatchet which can be used for both harvesting and as a weapon. The first labrys is believed to have been created over 8,000 years ago. It was favored by tribes of female Amazons that roamed the area around what is now Kazakstan in central Asia. It has also been linked to the early town of Catal Huyuk in what is now Turkey around 6,000 BCE as a tool for clearing ground. Catal Huyuk was a peaceful town which worshipped the Earth goddess and prospered without conflict for 1,500 years.
An ancient civilization on the island Crete in the Mediterranean Sea also held the labrys in high standing. Little was known about the Minoan civilization (it lasted from around 3,000 to 1,100 BCE) except myths until archaeologists began excavating relics from Crete's pre-Minoan era around the beginning of the 20th century. The most amazing discovery on the island was the palace of Knossos, believed to be the royal palace, along with a 35,000 square foot maze of rooms and hallways. This maze was prolifically decorated with a double-axe motif, especially the principal reception room. The term labyrinth is derived from labrys. This site is believed to be linked to the myth of the minotaur. [In Greek mythology, Crete was the home of the tyrant King Minos, son of Zues and the mortal woman Europa. Minos broke an oath to Poseidon, who had guaranteed his kingship, and in revenge the sea god caused Minos's wife to fall in love with a bull. The offspring of their unnatural union was the Minotaur, a monstrous creature, part man and part bull, who lived at the center of the labyrinthine maze in the Palace of Minos at Knossos. Every year the Minotaur killed fourteen Athenians- seven girls and seven boys- exacted as an annual tribute by Minos. Eventually, the Athenian hero Theseus killed the Minotaur and was rescued by Minos's daughter from the labyrinth. But when Theseus sailed home to Athens, he forgot the prearranged signal to his father, King Aegeus, indicating that he was returning safely. Believing his son dead, Aegeus threw himself into the sea and drowned. The Aegean Sea is named after the unfortunate king. (Adams 80)]
The Minoan society, although possessing both a king and queen near its end, was predominantly matriarchal. Their religion centered around a bare-breasted Great Goddess who is believed to have been a protector of women. This goddess is often shown holding snakes in her hands, a symbol of fertility and agriculture, and surrounded by female worshippers with double axes which were used for tilling soil. Preserved frescos from the time period also tend to show more girls than boys, usually in such dangerous sports as bull jumping (bulls were also a reoccurring theme in Minoan art).
The double axe quickly spread across Europe, becoming popular with the Etruscans, the Gauls, the Druids, and the Scandinavians. The labrys kept its religious connotation even when it was adopted by other cultures, having been scratched into a good many surfaces during pagan times. When the Roman Empire came along, the plow replaced the labrys as far as farming went, but it remained a formidable weapon. The labrys began to be seen less and less religiously, and soon took on the name "battleaxe" instead. From there it was passed through successive generations of war-torn Europe until it was replaced in popularity by the sword.
The labrys was resurrected as a female symbol in the 1970s by a number of lesbian and feminist organizations. It's popularity grew when articles about its origins were published in feminist literature of the time. Today, the labrys has been superseded by other symbols, but can still be seen adorning jewelry and women's specialty stores.

While hunting down info i found this gem for lingo. woo-hoo for homos!

here's to the Irish!

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Friday, March 16, 2007

he's 96

my patient tonight.
he's wondering why he's still alive.
a couple of months ago he tried to get out of bed and realized he couldn't.
so he's been in bed for a couple of months after doing everything on his own for 96 years.
not only did i have to hold the urinal for him, i had to hold his you-know-what in the urinal.
it's frustrating.
he's tired.
he was a dentist. he used to give cleanings for 8 dollars. a filling cost 2 bucks.
he met his wife at a dance that cost 3 dollars.
"that was the day."
they had four kids and burried 3 of them; one at birth, one at three years, one at 52.
he's a good guy. a real sweet guy.
he shared his non-parels with me.
he says he's waiting to die.
i told him i'd wait with him.
i'm a lucky girl.

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

workin' overnight

i'm working overnight for the girls on the floor.
i picked up a shift 'cuz the nanny family called one day off last minute and i had my income budgeted this week.
i got called in early.
it's been a long day.
we started off with 19 patients, 4 nurses and me.
then they brought back my partner in crime who they floated to another floor.
dumb asses.
the tally:
2 code browns [same patient]
1 puker [had to call trauma team to get it to stop]
1 cryer [a couple of pep talks, a referral and a kick in the pants]
1 foley [he felt like he was going to burst]
1 TB rule out that has been in a regular room for a week
2 IV starts
4 admissions
2 discharges
and now i'm at the desk.
here she goes:
1. Are your parents married or divorced? Married for 34 years last september
2. Are you a vegetarian? i can eat like one, but i gotta have my meat
3. Do you believe in Heaven? it's right here between my thighs
4. Have you ever come close to dying? i didn't think i'd make it to see 23. does that count?
5. What jewelry do you wear 24/7? currently a belly button ring in my conch [of the ear], it is silver with red stars on a black background on the balls. i used to wear a green and black enameled ball in an 8 gauge ring until the three year old head butt me while we were wrestling. at least i can take this one out when i need an x-ray.
6. Favorite time of day? any time i am alive
7. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? yes
8. Do you wear makeup? not anymore. used to wear eye liner. used to wear a full face of Mary Kay. but these days i just don't anymore.
9. Ever have plastic surgery? Not yet. the older sis and i swear we're getting our boobs picked up when she's 40.
10. If you did have plastic surgery, what did you do? ...umm..... whatever
11. What do you wear to bed? naddah
12. Have you ever done anything illegal? Yes.
13. Can you roll your tongue? Yes.
14. Do you tweeze your eyebrows? Yes.
15. What kind of sneakers? currently New Balance with the Anti-roll bar. they look a little like space shoes or something horribly orthopedic, but i love the toe room and my knees don't hurt when i've been walking all day [i had ACL reconstruction in 98]. next pair: i'm gonna hunt me down some Timberland hiking shoes, like tennis shoes for hikers. i used to wear them when i waited tables and slung coffee. best shoes ever. for style: California style Pumas.
16. Do you believe in abortions? do you mean in the way i'd believe in Santa Claus? i don't discuss politics on a first date.
17. What is your hair color? dirty blond
18. Future child’s name? i don't discuss kid's names on a first date, either.
19. Do you snore? yep. but gently. got me some sleep apnea. fun times!
20. If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be? tonight: home. tomorrow: Guatemala to see my buddy or i'd take BK to Hawaii [the one thing she asked for when they told her the F'n tumor wasn't dissipating, little f'er]. once i'm licensed: india to get my boys.
21. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Not any more. i was told it's bad fung shway [heheh]. for real, they sit in my old rocking chair now. i sleep alone. and nekkid. did i mention that already?
22. If you won the lottery, what would you do first? turn off my phone.
23. Gold or silver? silver
24. Hamburger or hot dog? burger, swiss cheese, bacon, grilled mushrooms and onion, kaiser roll
25. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? my gut instinct here is to say my girlfriend but A: that's a little crass; B: i'm single and C: i'd need a veggie. so i'd have to say that i hope i'm never relegated to this reality. i thrive on variety.
26. City, beach or country? City to live. beach and country for vacation.
27. What was the last thing you touched? the Styrofoam cup of ice i'm eating to stay awake and nurse my tongue which i burned on my last cup of coffee.
28. Where did you eat last? Right here at the desk.
29. When’s the last time you cried? it's been at least a couple of days
30. Do you read blogs? ... you're kidding me. right?
31. Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex? people call me sir all of the time in public. it isn't that i try. would i drag it up? absolutely.
32. Ever been involved with the police? define involved...
33. What’s your favorite shampoo, conditioner and soap? V05, Dial and Dove
34. Do you talk in your sleep? i don't know. i'm sleeping. alone.
35. Ocean or pool? those are two very different things, my friends. two things i value for very different reasons.
36. Sauna or whirlpool? am i sick or achy? how can you expect me to want just one thing for the rest of my life?
37. Starbucks or Krispy Kreme? come on, folks. at least the ocean and a pool are both bodies of water that you would swim in...
38. Window seat or aisle? if it's a long flight, i want to sleep, so window.
39. Ever met anyone famous? all the time
40. Do you feel that you’ve had a truly successful life? it's good enough for me
41. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? twirl
42. Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey? is rikki still on TV?
43. Basketball or Football? Football
45. Automatic or do you drive a stick? i love the feel of a good stick shift. makes you feel all fresh and alive inside.
46. Cake or ice cream? lately i prefer ice cream to cake
47. Are you self-conscious? can't say as anyone would ever pin that on me
48. Have you ever drank so much you threw up? yes
49. Have you ever given money to a beggar? yes
50. Have you been in love? yes
51. Where do you wish you were? At home in bed, or hanging out with my buddy in guatemala. i miss him a lot lately. just his company and our adventures.
52. Are you wearing socks? Yes, they are brown with Happy Bunny on them and they say "i sincerely want you to genuinely worship me" thanks, Lib
53. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? Yes
54. Can you tango? i can't lead it, but if you can lead well enough i can get by
55. Last gift you received? mom just sent me a check from my aunt from christmas. we're not too big on timeliness in my house
56. Last sport you played? officially: swimming. otherwise: i wrestle the three and five year old regularly
57. Things you spend a lot of money on? debt
58. Where do you live? In an apartment in a city
59. Where were you born? germany
60. Last wedding attended? a former room mate. it was a good time.
62. Favorite position? not in control
63. Most hated food(s)? dick
64. Most hated soda pop? not a fan of pepsi or mountain dew. both kind of gross to me.
65. Can you sing? yes. should i sing? sometimes.
66. Last person you instant messaged? i skyped my buddy in guatemala and my other buddy in spain this week
67. Last place you went on holiday? ... i think that might have been NYC in feb of 2006...
68. Favorite regular drink? water
69. Current Song? hate is a strong word, the Plain White T's
70. Tag 3 friends. ... um. not gonna do that, yet. but if you feel like filling this out, then you let me know all about it, k?
10 weird things about me:
1: i don't like to capitalize, but i enjoy punctuation.
2: i'm good at talking to groups of people, but i don't want to be the one who does it all of the time. i'd rather be a behind the scenes kind of girl, but i tend to get called up to the stage. i'll do it, because i know i'll do it well and that folks will appreciate it, but i won't do it for my own pleasure. i don't need that kind of ego stroke.
3: i'm not lying: i sleep best when nekkid.
4: not only do i brush my teeth in the shower, i enjoy showering in the dark.
5: the last girl i turned down sex from was because she was a bit of a door mat and that doesn't turn me on.
6: i thoroughly enjoy washing my floors by hand on all fours with murphy's oil soap or vinegar and borax.
7: i don't want to get a myspace account because i can't handle the thought of people being disappointed if i don't post on their page. i don't live my life that way and i don't want to invite internet drama into my world, i get enough as it is.
8: my life may be in flux more often than not, but i'm the one others go to for stability.
9: i often struggle with the balance between having a functional social life or an amazing artistic period. it's been a long time since i've been truly artistically creative. i think work and school trumped them both last year.
10: the ultimate goal for most of my career ambitions and current occupations is to put myself out a job. i.e. when i teach someone to swim the goal is that they will not need me to teach them anymore. when i nurse someone back to health the goal is that they will not need me to take care of them anymore.
[11. i secretly miss getting this philisophical and wordy late at night.]

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oh what a night

ah.... it's always nice to find the right buttons.

i like it when things are centered from time to time.
and then, i like to make them a little bit different.
what a weekend.
friday i had a male patient offer to turn me straight.
sunday i had a male patient ask to feel me up.
monday and tuesday i had male patients ask for my phone number. ain't happenin' folks.
maybe this isn't something straight women encounter.
i just don't get it.
i'm a homo.
sure, men are great. and i have no problem talking to a man.
hell, i'll even kiss you.
but when we hit that belt line, baby, there's a reason i lay back.
i don't do dick.
and don't tell me about how all i need is one night in bed with you.
don't get me wrong:
better men have tried.
but when it all falls apart and i'm the one lying in that hospital bed waiting for someone to come clean the poop that is spreading from under my red behind, i want the woman i've devoted my life to sitting next to me. her soft, deflated breasts that have held the heads and hands of the children we've raised together rising and falling gently with her breath as she holds my hand.
"just another minute, love, someone's coming."
and when it's me sitting in that chair in the ICU until my ass goes numb drinking horribly thick coffee that some kind and loving nurse assistant keeps bringing me while i'm waiting for my children to call i want them to say
"how's mom doing, mom?"
so thank you, honey, i don't want your number and you can't have mine.
i'm sure you're a good time in bed.
i'd call you out for beers if i trusted you weren't trying to get into my panties.
hell, i'd even let you into my panties if i trusted you weren't expecting me to get into yours.
if cock is so fantastic, you try it first.
that's right.
i said it.
if cock is so great
i'll be here waiting for the details.
every last dripping,
last one of 'em.
do you get it, yet?
i don't ask my straight girl friends to go down on me.

what else can i say?
i told you, i'm gay.

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Monday, March 12, 2007

like this?

1. What time did you get up this morning? i forgot to turn off the alarm. so i heard the Drive play at 8 am. but i didn't get out of bed until almost 12:30. i only had to go to one job today, so i got to sleep in.
2. Diamonds or Pearls? pearls. not that i wear much jewelry. but i am waiting for a necklace with a white and onix pearl in it. stunning. i suppose that's the kind of ring i'd like, too. did you ever read the pearl by Steinbeck? i think it changed my young life.
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Little Miss Sunshine. Well worth the trip.
4. What is your favorite TV show? i am currently making my way through the the West Wing on DVD. on my nights off i used to crash on the couch and watch the Simpsons, King of the Hill, That 70's show. i will probably track down the DVD set for Boston Legal as James Spader makes me want to do naughty things and William Shatner actually *is* a talented actor. And i adore cop/hospital drama and spoof: ER, NYPD Blue, Scrubs, Grey's Anatomy. ... and i thought i didn't watch that much TV...
5. What did you have for breakfast? i had the last of the banana chocolate chip bread. i should have had eggs.
6. What is your middle name? it comes from a Simon and Garfunkel song. i'm a twin. my parents had four names, two for boys, two for girls, but i didn't have a middle name until my mom was in labor and they drove over the Rhine River while this song played. .... kind of a nice story.
7. What is your favorite cuisine? i'm a sucker for maki and sushi, will roll over for indian and love making anything over open fire outside.
8. What foods do you dislike? there are very few things i don't like. my mom raised me that way, although i never really cared for the texture of lima beans. mom didn't like them either, so i never had to eat them growing up. oh, and tuna. i was burnt out on tuna as a young child. we ate it every tuesday night on our weekly budget meal plan. monday: meatloaf [which i still love]; tuesday: tuna; wednesday: chicken; thursday: leftovers; friday: pizza. weekends were up in the air and usually involved making something chocolate with and for dad from scratch.
9. Your favorite Potato chip?
Jay's. Hands down. Although there is a company that makes kettle salt and vinigar chips i woud eat all of the time if i allowed that kind of thing in my house. doritoes are perfect for putting on PB&J. but i don't eat that stuff any more.
10. What cd have you been listening to lately? Friend's have been playing a lot of Tori Amos in the house. Portishead was on the other night. i do love me some Portishead.
11. What kind of car do you drive? whatever my friends drive. i don't own a motor vehicle, and i kind of like it that way, for now. in highschool i drove a Volvo. boxy, grey, and beaterish. it was perfect.
12. Favorite sandwich? jimmy john's Vito, or a fresh Rueben, turkey or corned beef.
13. What characteristics do you despise? stupidity, intolerance, bigotry, small mindedness.
14. What are your favorite clothes? sweats and hoodies that i can't wear in public at night around the house. to go out, usually jeans and a tight t or nicer hoodie. i love working in scrubs.
15. If you would go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? right now i would go to guatemala to see one of my most favored tree-hugging, globe trotting companions. there or NYC.
16. Favorite brand of clothing? GAP for men's jeans, shirts, girls undies, bras and and boy panties [they make excellent boxer briefs. champion for sweats and sports bras and bathing suits. prana for yoga clothes. thrift stores for anything but socks and undies.
17. Where would you want to retire? The world is at my feet so the road may be home.
18. Favorite time of day? close tie between the quiet moments in bed when the sun is up and i can just stretch and be grateful and the moments when my house is full of boisterous chaos and i'm cooking or cleaning around it all.
19. Where were you born? germany
20. What is your favorite sport to watch? anyone where someone i know is competing. otherwise most of them, but i've been officially turned on to futball [i can't wait for the next World Cup]
21. Who do you think will not send this back? i didn't do it for people to answer back.
22. Person you expect to send it back first? see above
23. Pepsi or Coke? nothing beats a tastey diet Coke
24. Beavers or Ducks? i can't say as i ever considered it. i have an affinity for ducks, but given my sense of humor, i can not pass up the opportunity to say i am pro-beaver.
25. Are you a morning person or night owl? hoot. hoot.
26. Pedicure or Manicure? whichever one you feel like administering to me or paying for me to get.
27. Any new and exciting news you’d like to share? i wish.
28. What did you want to be when you were little? invisible.
29. What is your best childhood memory? giggling. trying to keep up with my big sister on my bike. i think she was trying to run away. we got really far and then she stopped to see if i was okay. she told me she wasn't tired until she stopped and then it all hit her. i think i was six. she was eleven. we were still allowed carte blanche of the neighborhood back then. not too many creepy people stealing kids and doing bad things with them. at least it wasn't something our parents were paranoid about. i have a lot of good childhood memories, like Christmas with my extended family in Cleveland and how my auntie's living room seemed absolutely huge because i was so small...
30. Ever been toilet papering? yes. i was sister of a band geek and then i was in the color guard while my twin marched the trumpet. it was a right of passage.
31. Been in a car accident? yes. i was with my dad, in the passenger seat of our keely green 1978 Volvo. i was sitting sideways and talking to him about Lord knows what. we rear-ended someone. it was just before air bags and no one got hurt. in the grand scheme of things, not too hairy.
32. Favorite restaurant? oysy [oh-ee-she] and New Tokyo for sushi. raj baran[?] and hewa's kitchen for indian. andrea's in NYC for italian.
33. Favorite flower? whatever my mom grows in her garden and the african violets i got from my dad's mom when she passed away that bloom all the time because i have angels watching over me. that and orchids. i love me some orchids. and anything else you want to bring me.
34. Favorite ice cream? i currently have a pint of Half Baked and a pint of Heath Bar Crunch i'm working on.
35. Favorite fast food restaurant? chipotle, subway and jimmy john's
36. How many times did you fail your drivers test? people fail their driver's test?
37. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Uncle Dan's [hiking store]
38. Who are you most curious about their responses to this? anyone at this point. i'm known to be a curious kind of girl.
39. Last person you went to dinner with? went out to dinner with the House Mate and my Sister when she was in town last weekend. sushi. shocking, no?
40. How many tattoos do you have? none, yet.
41. How many people are you sending this to? how many people are reading this blog?
42. What time did you finish this e-mail? it isn't an email and i'm not done with it, although i did save it and leave work to return home and finish it after a shower while the HM is laying on the floor with her newly died shoe polish black hair listening to emo. music she knows little to nothing about. she needed a change. her running theory is that the black die kills your brain cells and allows one to be sullen and morose without hesitation. she's a keeper.
43. Favorite magazine? details for men, the new yorker, time, newsweek. i miss picking up zines from little coffee shops in the Twin Cities. those were romantically morose times.
44. If you could meet any famous person, who would it be? at the moment i'd love to be in a room with emilou harris, melissa etheridge, ellen degeneres, rosie o', Leslie Feinberg ... and it has been a long standing dream of mine to be in the Late Show with David Letterman.
46. If you could change your profession right now, what would you be doing? i'm working in the profession i want to be working in: healthcare. i'd love to be practicing nursing under my own legal license, like i'm supposed to be right now, but i'll accept the learning curve, enjoy the adventure and keep on keeping on. i honestly can't imagine being a fifteenth as happy as i am right now in any other field. really.

okay. now you.

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a few of my favorite quirks

i like to brush my teeth in the shower.
it's odd. but i like to do it there.

i'm a twin.
my mom told me when we were still infants she used to brush her teeth in the shower because it was the only moment she had to do it.
my twin and i would be strapped into our car seat thingies and we would cry.
our older sister would push us into the bathroom to cry where mom could hear us.
if she didn't brush them in the shower they didn't get brushed.

it used to be that i had no routine.
and for the most part, it's still true.
i work nights four nights a week. teach one morning. nanny two mornings and shower sometimes at home and sometimes the pool but always before crawling into bed. mine or anyone else's.
i carry a toothbrush with me. i have one at the pool and one at the hospital.
the only thing i do regularly is wipe and wash. there is no morning facial routine.

so i brush my teeth in the shower.

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