Saturday, October 18, 2008

this must be what rehab feels like...

i've never had the opportunity to start over so completely as i do right now.
i lost my job
so i started waiting tables
for a man who's entire life
revolves around that restaurant
and he's a good guy
but he lacks finesse
and kindness in his delivery
and it is grating
and i don't like to be talked to that way
and all he want to hear is
and all i want to say is
"why are you so angry?"
but this isn't my place, either.
it's an ongoing theme.
something i've struggled with from the womb,
i am certain.
no insult to my mother,
lordisa knows she tried to set the right example.
lord knows she would say
"it's none of my business"
"i just keep my head down"
"i just do my job and go home"
god knows my father lived and still lives
most of his life
just like that.
and i didn't get it.
"why the f--k would you do that?"
"why can't you say something?"
"that is so retarded"
"i'm not going to just sit there"
"i've got to call it the moment it happens"
"i can't let it sit like that"
"i don't put up with the bull s--t"
2 shifts next week.
school is only going so much better.
if it weren't for my clinical instructor
i'd be out on my ass.
yet she coaches me like noone else has ever done
not that others haven't tried.
i've just been too bull headed to listen.
i can't even eat.
i have no appetite.
i tried.
i can't afford the place i just moved into,
so i've decided to move out,
rather than find another job to
bust my ass and make something work
that isn't what i really want
and isn't what i need.
i'm waiting for my license from the state
to CNA.
so i'm downsizing.
on two shifts in a week.
what will i do with my time?
[find another job,
find another place to live,
find myself inside this
hot mess of a situation
and try to kindly
and gently
pull myself out.]
and pack.
and the part that hurt the most
someone lied
when he realized i really liked him
and wasn't just being nice
or friendly
or coquettish.
to me.
that's what really hurt the most.
[if you have any sense of compassion, dear family,
you will just let me say these things
without feeling like you had something to do with why i left
in the first place.
i left because i didn't feel like i belonged.
not because you didn't love me.
not because you didn't care.
not because i couldn't figure it out under the same roof
as you.
i left for me.
and i'm still figuring it out.
and that has to be enough
it has to be enough,
for now.
i love you.
yors [first]]


Blogger kimmyk said...

aw crap.
and i thought things were looking up in your part of the world. that'll teach me to read most current posts first then scroll down.

sorry to hear about school first and foremost. but i'm glad that your clinical inst. is there and listening and helping. that's huge. and it's good to have her on your side.

sorry that your apt. isnt working out. can't you get a roommate so you can stay???

2 shifts a week. that sucks. i hope your cna license comes soon...and everything shifts in your world.

keep your chin up though. dont let all this get you down.

i love your honesty though yor. you're sucha good person.

love you.

Blogger yorlor said...

school is going great on one end, kimmers, i've got an a average in my exams. go, me! but i've GOT TO LEARN how to keep myself off the radars in a way that my knee jerk reaction has not allowed me to do for years. years.

my clinical instructor is great. i had one at the other school who tried, as well, but it was harder. most of our clinicals at the old place were at the hospital where the school was. everyone could see everything and everyone talked to everybody. this time my clinical is half way across the city, on a saturday. noone really knows anyone from the school and noone who sees me and my instructor having a guru moment in the cafeteria is going to tell the administration my instructor is alliancing herself with the misfit.

it makes a difference.


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