Monday, October 13, 2008

pele wonder...

i got your email tonight
i didn't even read it
not this time
all those times you would send a letter
an open letter
to lots of people
and i would sit there
swallow each word
lick each letter
each syllable
caress every idea that i could eek from the madness before me
i used to hold my breath for you to talk to me
i used to wait for you to call
i used to allow the way my name fell from your lips
haunt me
at all hours of the day and night
but this time?
this time...
yeah. notsomuch.
[happy one hundredth postings, my lovelies]


Blogger kimmyk said...

good for you moving beyond this one.

it feels good to know you've let them go doesn't it?

Blogger yorlor said...

it does. i still haven't read the damn thing. wonder if i ever will.

p.s. this is not my guatemalan counterpart. he and i are still on good terms. just a rough Christmas, was all.


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