Monday, March 12, 2007

a few of my favorite quirks

i like to brush my teeth in the shower.
it's odd. but i like to do it there.

i'm a twin.
my mom told me when we were still infants she used to brush her teeth in the shower because it was the only moment she had to do it.
my twin and i would be strapped into our car seat thingies and we would cry.
our older sister would push us into the bathroom to cry where mom could hear us.
if she didn't brush them in the shower they didn't get brushed.

it used to be that i had no routine.
and for the most part, it's still true.
i work nights four nights a week. teach one morning. nanny two mornings and shower sometimes at home and sometimes the pool but always before crawling into bed. mine or anyone else's.
i carry a toothbrush with me. i have one at the pool and one at the hospital.
the only thing i do regularly is wipe and wash. there is no morning facial routine.

so i brush my teeth in the shower.

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Blogger kimmyk said...

I'm a twin!
I'm a fraternal twin. My sister is five minutes older than me.

I didn't know you were a twin...get out of here!

You need a break. Or a vacation.


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