Wednesday, March 14, 2007

workin' overnight

i'm working overnight for the girls on the floor.
i picked up a shift 'cuz the nanny family called one day off last minute and i had my income budgeted this week.
i got called in early.
it's been a long day.
we started off with 19 patients, 4 nurses and me.
then they brought back my partner in crime who they floated to another floor.
dumb asses.
the tally:
2 code browns [same patient]
1 puker [had to call trauma team to get it to stop]
1 cryer [a couple of pep talks, a referral and a kick in the pants]
1 foley [he felt like he was going to burst]
1 TB rule out that has been in a regular room for a week
2 IV starts
4 admissions
2 discharges
and now i'm at the desk.
here she goes:
1. Are your parents married or divorced? Married for 34 years last september
2. Are you a vegetarian? i can eat like one, but i gotta have my meat
3. Do you believe in Heaven? it's right here between my thighs
4. Have you ever come close to dying? i didn't think i'd make it to see 23. does that count?
5. What jewelry do you wear 24/7? currently a belly button ring in my conch [of the ear], it is silver with red stars on a black background on the balls. i used to wear a green and black enameled ball in an 8 gauge ring until the three year old head butt me while we were wrestling. at least i can take this one out when i need an x-ray.
6. Favorite time of day? any time i am alive
7. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? yes
8. Do you wear makeup? not anymore. used to wear eye liner. used to wear a full face of Mary Kay. but these days i just don't anymore.
9. Ever have plastic surgery? Not yet. the older sis and i swear we're getting our boobs picked up when she's 40.
10. If you did have plastic surgery, what did you do? ...umm..... whatever
11. What do you wear to bed? naddah
12. Have you ever done anything illegal? Yes.
13. Can you roll your tongue? Yes.
14. Do you tweeze your eyebrows? Yes.
15. What kind of sneakers? currently New Balance with the Anti-roll bar. they look a little like space shoes or something horribly orthopedic, but i love the toe room and my knees don't hurt when i've been walking all day [i had ACL reconstruction in 98]. next pair: i'm gonna hunt me down some Timberland hiking shoes, like tennis shoes for hikers. i used to wear them when i waited tables and slung coffee. best shoes ever. for style: California style Pumas.
16. Do you believe in abortions? do you mean in the way i'd believe in Santa Claus? i don't discuss politics on a first date.
17. What is your hair color? dirty blond
18. Future child’s name? i don't discuss kid's names on a first date, either.
19. Do you snore? yep. but gently. got me some sleep apnea. fun times!
20. If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be? tonight: home. tomorrow: Guatemala to see my buddy or i'd take BK to Hawaii [the one thing she asked for when they told her the F'n tumor wasn't dissipating, little f'er]. once i'm licensed: india to get my boys.
21. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Not any more. i was told it's bad fung shway [heheh]. for real, they sit in my old rocking chair now. i sleep alone. and nekkid. did i mention that already?
22. If you won the lottery, what would you do first? turn off my phone.
23. Gold or silver? silver
24. Hamburger or hot dog? burger, swiss cheese, bacon, grilled mushrooms and onion, kaiser roll
25. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? my gut instinct here is to say my girlfriend but A: that's a little crass; B: i'm single and C: i'd need a veggie. so i'd have to say that i hope i'm never relegated to this reality. i thrive on variety.
26. City, beach or country? City to live. beach and country for vacation.
27. What was the last thing you touched? the Styrofoam cup of ice i'm eating to stay awake and nurse my tongue which i burned on my last cup of coffee.
28. Where did you eat last? Right here at the desk.
29. When’s the last time you cried? it's been at least a couple of days
30. Do you read blogs? ... you're kidding me. right?
31. Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex? people call me sir all of the time in public. it isn't that i try. would i drag it up? absolutely.
32. Ever been involved with the police? define involved...
33. What’s your favorite shampoo, conditioner and soap? V05, Dial and Dove
34. Do you talk in your sleep? i don't know. i'm sleeping. alone.
35. Ocean or pool? those are two very different things, my friends. two things i value for very different reasons.
36. Sauna or whirlpool? am i sick or achy? how can you expect me to want just one thing for the rest of my life?
37. Starbucks or Krispy Kreme? come on, folks. at least the ocean and a pool are both bodies of water that you would swim in...
38. Window seat or aisle? if it's a long flight, i want to sleep, so window.
39. Ever met anyone famous? all the time
40. Do you feel that you’ve had a truly successful life? it's good enough for me
41. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? twirl
42. Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey? is rikki still on TV?
43. Basketball or Football? Football
45. Automatic or do you drive a stick? i love the feel of a good stick shift. makes you feel all fresh and alive inside.
46. Cake or ice cream? lately i prefer ice cream to cake
47. Are you self-conscious? can't say as anyone would ever pin that on me
48. Have you ever drank so much you threw up? yes
49. Have you ever given money to a beggar? yes
50. Have you been in love? yes
51. Where do you wish you were? At home in bed, or hanging out with my buddy in guatemala. i miss him a lot lately. just his company and our adventures.
52. Are you wearing socks? Yes, they are brown with Happy Bunny on them and they say "i sincerely want you to genuinely worship me" thanks, Lib
53. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? Yes
54. Can you tango? i can't lead it, but if you can lead well enough i can get by
55. Last gift you received? mom just sent me a check from my aunt from christmas. we're not too big on timeliness in my house
56. Last sport you played? officially: swimming. otherwise: i wrestle the three and five year old regularly
57. Things you spend a lot of money on? debt
58. Where do you live? In an apartment in a city
59. Where were you born? germany
60. Last wedding attended? a former room mate. it was a good time.
62. Favorite position? not in control
63. Most hated food(s)? dick
64. Most hated soda pop? not a fan of pepsi or mountain dew. both kind of gross to me.
65. Can you sing? yes. should i sing? sometimes.
66. Last person you instant messaged? i skyped my buddy in guatemala and my other buddy in spain this week
67. Last place you went on holiday? ... i think that might have been NYC in feb of 2006...
68. Favorite regular drink? water
69. Current Song? hate is a strong word, the Plain White T's
70. Tag 3 friends. ... um. not gonna do that, yet. but if you feel like filling this out, then you let me know all about it, k?
10 weird things about me:
1: i don't like to capitalize, but i enjoy punctuation.
2: i'm good at talking to groups of people, but i don't want to be the one who does it all of the time. i'd rather be a behind the scenes kind of girl, but i tend to get called up to the stage. i'll do it, because i know i'll do it well and that folks will appreciate it, but i won't do it for my own pleasure. i don't need that kind of ego stroke.
3: i'm not lying: i sleep best when nekkid.
4: not only do i brush my teeth in the shower, i enjoy showering in the dark.
5: the last girl i turned down sex from was because she was a bit of a door mat and that doesn't turn me on.
6: i thoroughly enjoy washing my floors by hand on all fours with murphy's oil soap or vinegar and borax.
7: i don't want to get a myspace account because i can't handle the thought of people being disappointed if i don't post on their page. i don't live my life that way and i don't want to invite internet drama into my world, i get enough as it is.
8: my life may be in flux more often than not, but i'm the one others go to for stability.
9: i often struggle with the balance between having a functional social life or an amazing artistic period. it's been a long time since i've been truly artistically creative. i think work and school trumped them both last year.
10: the ultimate goal for most of my career ambitions and current occupations is to put myself out a job. i.e. when i teach someone to swim the goal is that they will not need me to teach them anymore. when i nurse someone back to health the goal is that they will not need me to take care of them anymore.
[11. i secretly miss getting this philisophical and wordy late at night.]

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Blogger kimmyk said...

LOL, between this one and the last one I feel so close to you now. I think I know you well enough to have you over for dinner. LOL.

I love Dove shampoo and conditioner. It makes your hair [well my hair I dont know how your hair smells] great!

Someone once told me they saw heaven in my eyes. Or so I thought. Maybe they said heaven was BETWEEN YOUR THIGHS. You nut!!!! You crack me up!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite answers of this one:

3, 16, 21, 25, 47, 63.

Those are the ones that made me laugh out loud.

Also, what's a code brown? Does it involve poo?

Blogger yorlor said...

yes, my friend, code brown involves poo. lots and lots of poo. usually in a runny consistency. the first one involved a change of bedding, washing the mattress, a trail of poo from the bed to the toilet, the toilet itself, the tubes coming out of the patient and the patient himself, after he finished poo-ing in the toilet. the second code was far more contained to only the top layer of bedding, a small plop on the floor [no lie, it went "plop"], and a shower of poo on the toilet seat before my 6'4", 240 lb. patient sat solidly on top of said showered seat to finish emptying yet more liquid poo from his bowel. .... and that was only a fraction of our evening.

as for the rest of my replies, i'm grateful i can still elicit belly laughs from afar.

much love,
come home,
i need to go to neo and drink blue moons.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, #1. Ew. Not so much envying your job that much right now.

#2. Looking forward to that Neo trip Very Much.

Blogger Firestarter5 said...

3. Do you believe in Heaven? it's right here between my thighs



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