welcome to yorlor university! today's topic: Maslow
today we're going to address topics cross covered in nursing 101 and psych 210:
level one: physiological needs [fizzy-oh-logic-ull] like airway, breathing, circulation; eating, drinking, elimination [poo, for short, fire], sleeping, sex [to procure the species, not always for personal fulfillment, we'll get back to that one in a bit, slick]
level two: safety and security [from predators, from natural disasters, from torture or abuse]; also a sense of order, law, and stability.
level three: social needs of belonging and love. first comes belonging, you've got to feel like you're part of something and then you need to feel loved, be able to give love, etc. these are found in family, relationships, work groups [esp identity for some]. for some, sex for pleasure comes into play, here.
level four: self esteem. this comes from a sense of achievement, reputation, one's status on a group. you see how you would need a sense of belonging to establish your place in that group along with your reputation.
level five: self-actualization. the betterment of one's self, personal fulfillment.
so, you see, in this model, you have to not worry about the first level to focus on the second. if you can't breathe, who gives a rat's ass if you're CEO. if your house has just been ransacked by hurricane what-ever-the-meteorologist's-last-conniving-ex's-name-was, you're not really going to be focusing too hard on, or successful in your pursuit for, the next big award in your field, be it the blow-dryer stylists championship, the blue plate award from the local restaurant association, the state championship in your sport or your bar exam. see how that works?
now, let's apply that shit.
i can breathe, eat and poop [thank you, all that is holy and plastic]. level one: check.
i have a warm, dry, safe and reliable place to live, eat, sleep. i am not being sought after by the mob [that i know of], i am not in an abusive or compromising relationship [romantic, work related, or other], i was not affected first hand by the recent weather patterns [thank you, all that is cold and metallic]. level two, check.
i have recently made a change in the people i spend time with, and therefor associate myself. i have places and people amongst whom i feel a sense of belonging. in those places and people, i can give and receive appropriately acceptable forms of love and affection. level three: check.
my skill set has definitely been defined and refined, lately. people call me for specific skills and talents i possess. this has largely helped me see why it is i will never really succeed in an environment where i am doing less than i am capable, or, to put it differently, if i am not doing all that i can do and being all that i can, i'm not going to do well. i'munna get bored. and we all know how that ends. [not well.] also, i have to be careful not to accept a position that will take advantage of my skills and talents and then expect me sit down and shut up when i'm not merely saving their collective asses. i need to be recognized for the skills and talents i own and am able to use. level four: almost a solid check.
to really and truly reach and work on the next level, i need to be in a place where level four is an actual realization and not just something we all recognize and can admit to.
and they want to train me.