Friday, September 12, 2008

what number are we on, anyway?

i don't know what to say.

i had a post all written out, and then i deleted it.

just one of those nights.

it's been raining most all day again.
i didn't leave the house all day.

changed clothes a couple times.
cleaned some.
ate some.
laughed some.
read some.
applied to some jobs.
read some more.

never left the house.

it's nice here.

[i'd post pictures, kim, but my camera ate sand on vaca and the warranty is up, i think. that's what they told me at the camera store. i have to see if i can find it. somewhere. in a box. maybe.]


off to bed.

clinical in the morning.

joy, joy, joy.

'gnight, ya'll.


Blogger kimmyk said...

i love days like that.
when you just sit and do nothing and you do all that nothing from inside your own house.

good times.

bummer about the camera..that sucks.


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