Monday, September 15, 2008

30 days in a row?

dear anonymous,

i will not quit. i said 30 days and i mean it.
i do not want you to think i do not want to post.
friday was sketchy.
i had a rather awesome post ready to go, and then i realized,
it might be *too much information* for the internets.

i know.

so you see what you got, instead.

would it be fair to hop on and just say "post?"

like "tag." but no "you're it."

...sounds lame.

i'd like to post photos, but i told you, the camera munched on some sand and now is a little kaput. sad, sad, sad.

and all because a silly man, i, er- an anonymous reader challenged me.
did you ever think she didn't carry out because you weren't there when she was ready?
did you ever consider you might have fallen asleep?
did you ever consider OJ simpson's robbery trial might have been starting?
[sorry, the news is on... so easily distracted tonight] any rate. a beautiful woman drove me home from class tonight, so i was feeling a bit peppy. the housemate was supposed to be out galavanting, and i was fixing to join her in the public merry making, feeling froggy and all, alas, she came home right after me. so we dubbed me "betty cock-it" and i whipped up some no-pudge-fudge brownies with raspberries and vanilla frosting. ain't exactly shaking your groove thang or busting out the karaoke, but watchagonnado?

did you see tina fay on SNL? what a riot!! holy pants, oh, how i love it!! tried to link youtube earlier, but they pulled it. infringement.

how bout you give me a topic? let's try that. it works for slick.


Blogger Maria said... do you make those brownies?


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