Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Didja know W is a Methodist?

Letter From Appointed Transgender UM Pastor, Rev. Drew Phoenix

Statement to the plenary session of the Baltimore-Washington Conference
May 24, 2007

Last fall, after a lifelong spiritual journey, and years of prayer and
discernment, I decided to change my name from Ann Gordon to Drew
Phoenix in order to reflect my true gender identity and to honor my spiritual
transformation and relationship with God.

My transition to live fully as the male I know myself to be is very
personal and deeply spiritual. As a Christian, I worship God – I AM.
People frequently asked Jesus, “Who are you?” His response was, “Who
do you say I am?” “Who do YOU say YOU are?”

I believe that our spiritual path is, in great part, the answer to: Who
am I? I am ...

I realize that my transition may be confusing and surprising for those
of you who have known me for years but were unaware of what I was going
through. I am glad that I finally have the opportunity to share.

It is my intention and hope that, by sharing my story – my
relationship with God and my spiritual journey – we will commit ourselves to
becoming educated about the complexity of gender and gender identity and
open ourselves to those in our congregations who identify as

When I was born, society declared that I was a girl, and my parents
named me Ann Gordon. But for as long as I can remember I have felt like a
boy, acted like a boy, dressed like a boy and wanted to hang out with
the boys. And for the first several yeas of my life, my parents let me
by my boy-self. In fact, I was referred to by everyone in our small town
as my father’s son, Dave Gordon’s son.

So it was very difficult when I reached puberty to be pressured by
family, friends, church and community to conform, to dress and act, like a
female. At the time (unlike now), there was no language or body of
knowledge about gender identity, and certainly no available medical
expertise, to help me describe and understand the disconnect I was
experiencing between my physical, external self and my internal, spiritual self. I
identify as male. The gender I was assigned at birth has never matched
my own true, authentic, God-given gender identity … how I know

Fortunately, today, God’s gift of medical science is enabling me to
bring my physical body into alignment with my true gender. I am making
this transition under the care of an excellent medical team. I am
grateful for their expertise. They have been instruments of God’s grace for

As I continue to transition, to fully claim myself as a male, I find
myself coming home to the Child God created me to be. I find myself
joyful, whole, and peaceful. And I find myself even more effective as a

You may ask what effect this is having on the church I am currently
serving, St. John’s of Baltimore City . I can tell you that St. John’s
is growing and thriving on its Discipleship Adventure. In the past 5
years, membership has quadrupled, for the first time in years families
with children are participating, stewardship has tripled, several new
ministries have been initiated, and the congregation has plans to begin
renovating its old, historical building in order to be more efficient,
effective, and relevant in its vision and mission.

As I have chosen to transition, the congregation has studied, listened,
and prayed in order to understand and embrace the meaning of my
transition within my call to ministry and within our call as a congregation.
My prayer, and greatest concern always is that the congregation
continues to grow and thrive.

Gender identity diversity is not easy for most people to understand, as
we have been steeped in an either/or, male/female-only understanding of
gender. It is hard to believe that our bodies do not tell the whole
story about what we are. I assure you that I am not one-of-a-kind, that
there are many people like me in our congregations who are suffering with
the disconnect that I have felt.

Jesus’ central message is that God’s love and grace extend
unconditionally to all of us, not because we look a certain way or have a
particular identity, but because we are all children of God created in
God’s image. Each of us is a beloved child of God. No exceptions.

Today, in your congregation, in your communities, are young people and
adults struggling with who they are and how they fit in. Maybe their
families do not understand them; perhaps their friends have isolated
them. They are wondering if they fit into the church. As Christians it is
essential that we communicate to them God’s unconditional love and
their worth and value as children of God made in God’s image. You can
begin that process today as I stand here and witness to the complexity
and joy of God’s creation.

For more info:



FAQ Released by the Office of Bishop John Schol
Regarding a Transgender Pastor
May 27, 2007

At the May 24-26, 2007 Baltimore-Washington Conference session the
concern of a transgender clergyperson was discussed at the Clergy Executive
Session. Bishop John Schol also raised the issue with the full
conference session, which included the lay members from congregations.

Bishop Schol has indicated his prayerful and deep concern for Rev.
Phoenix, the St. Johns congregation and the clergy and laity of the
Baltimore-Washington Conference. He recognizes that this will raise a number
of questions and concerns for people within the conference and invites
all United Methodists to be prayerful and seek greater clarity and
understanding of transgender people and how decisions are made within the
conference on such issues.

The following questions and answers are presented to help clergy and
laity to explore a greater understanding of the discussion at the
Baltimore-Washington Conference session.

Does The United Methodist Church have an official position on the issue
of transgender clergy? The church has no official position on this
issue. The Book of Discipline does not prohibit transgender clergy from
serving in the pulpit.

What does transgender mean? Transgender is a term used to describe
people whose gender identity (sense of themselves as male or female) or
gender expression differs from that usually associated with their birth

How does this issue relate to the Baltimore Washington Annual
Conference? About a year ago, Bishop John Schol was contacted by the Rev. Ann
Gordon, pastor of St. John’s United Methodist Church in Baltimore .
Rev. Gordon met with Bishop Schol and expressed the intent to undergo a
change in gender identity to become the Rev. Drew Phoenix. Rev. Phoenix
met with the staff parish committee, informed the congregation of the
decision and started the legal name change process. Bishop Schol has
approached this matter prayerfully and seriously. He spoke with Rev.
Phoenix several times. He also had conversations with church leaders and
received a letter from Rev. Phoenix’s therapist and church leaders
indicated their appreciation for Rev. Phoenix’s ministry and the therapist
indicated that Rev. Phoenix could continue to serve effectively. The
congregation has been growing under Rev. Phoenix’s ministry.

What is Rev. Phoenix’s current status? A change in gender does not
affect a pastor’s status (status is a term to describe a clergypersons
relationship with the annual conference. Status may include things like
retired, leave of absence, and appointed to a congregation). The staff
parish committee at St. John’s has requested Rev. Phoenix continue to
serve the congregation, and Bishop Schol will reappoint Rev. Phoenix
effective July 1.

Was there action taken at the annual conference? Any pastor who changes
his/her name must report the name change, which in turn becomes a part
of the Board of Ordained Ministry’s report at the clergy session. A
name change does not require any formal action by the church. During the
clergy session, and again later during the full session, Rev. Phoenix
shared his personal story.

Has there been any violation of church law? There is no law in the Book
of Discipline indicating that a transgender person cannot serve a
congregation. There have been two requests for a ruling of Church law by
Bishop Schol. Bishop Schol will rule on these within the next thirty days.

Why did Rev. Phoenix take this step? [Above] is Rev. Phoenix’s

Monday, May 28, 2007

the ultimate challenge

pirate vs. ninja.

you decide.

slow night on a surgical floor on a holiday weekend? what makes you think that?

My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
His Most Serene Highness Lord Yorlor the Spurious of Goosnargh on the Carpet
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

just another day

soemtimes i like you to go read things and form your own opinion.

today is one of those days.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

sometimes it's okay to not do much at work

i'm at the desk. not much going on. you know what that means...

i stole this one from ac. she stopped by a couple weeks ago and i'll be damned if i didn't have to look twice. kudos, darlin'~ and great fotos.

Five every day favorites:

1. waking up.

2. work. sick, yes i know. but i was talking to the life guard this morning about my work schedule and how i clocked 80 hours between the three jobs this week [i'm transferring into a new nanny family, so i'm booked] and a lap swimmer stopped me outside the building as we were leaving: "wow, you sure do a lot." ~yeah, but i really love what a do [enter 10 second sound bite nursing assistant, nanny, swim instructor and joys of each] so it's really very rewarding.~ "it's a lot of doing for others." ~yeah, it is. and i love it.~

3. currently, the pooch. did i tell you i'm watching a friend's dog while she's off galavanting in Europe? well, studying and the opera-ing, but you get my drift. i'm a dog keeper. i took the dog home to see the fam a couple of weeks ago and the the three phone calls i got on my drive all started with "how's the pooch?" ... i'm fine, thanks for asking.

4. water. really.

5. slipping back into my bed at the end of it all.

Four mood lifters:

1. walking out of work

2. visiting with friends

3. polishing the marble [yes.]

4. playing the geetar

Three reasons to get out of bed:

1. someone, somewhere is waiting for me

2. the bathroom is down the hallway

3. the dog has to pee

Two people I love:

1. my family [if i have to pick one, i'll feel bad. that's new for me. so stuff it.]

2. BK

One thing I love about myself:

that i'm valued by those around me for being all of the things that drive some people nuts about me.

well, well, my, my

the other day MSN had a series on Transgender and such. It was covered in Newsweek, which i have been a fan of since jr high. really.


So I just wanted to dedicate a post to that information.

They even included resources.

it just gives me hope, sometimes. well earned hope for the world at large when things like this show up on mainstream info highways.

on a fun side note: i cut my hair this week. it was getting rediculously shaggy, to the point that i was contemplating tucking it behind my ears. and today I received several compliments. my favorite: "you look all boy like, now."

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

it's coming

so are both of my sisters, both of my nieces, at least one extra child and maybe my mom.


let there be peace on earth

and the hearts of those who need it.

i'm serious. please take a moment of silence and pray for those who need to know that God still loves them, like Jerry Falwell. A man who followed his convictions, but forgot that one man's freedoms end where another one's begin.

it's okay if you don't like me, Jerry, but you can't tell me what to do.

i know in my heart that you will see truths now that you could not see on earth.

Rest in Peace, my friend.