Saturday, May 19, 2007

sometimes it's okay to not do much at work

i'm at the desk. not much going on. you know what that means...

i stole this one from ac. she stopped by a couple weeks ago and i'll be damned if i didn't have to look twice. kudos, darlin'~ and great fotos.

Five every day favorites:

1. waking up.

2. work. sick, yes i know. but i was talking to the life guard this morning about my work schedule and how i clocked 80 hours between the three jobs this week [i'm transferring into a new nanny family, so i'm booked] and a lap swimmer stopped me outside the building as we were leaving: "wow, you sure do a lot." ~yeah, but i really love what a do [enter 10 second sound bite nursing assistant, nanny, swim instructor and joys of each] so it's really very rewarding.~ "it's a lot of doing for others." ~yeah, it is. and i love it.~

3. currently, the pooch. did i tell you i'm watching a friend's dog while she's off galavanting in Europe? well, studying and the opera-ing, but you get my drift. i'm a dog keeper. i took the dog home to see the fam a couple of weeks ago and the the three phone calls i got on my drive all started with "how's the pooch?" ... i'm fine, thanks for asking.

4. water. really.

5. slipping back into my bed at the end of it all.

Four mood lifters:

1. walking out of work

2. visiting with friends

3. polishing the marble [yes.]

4. playing the geetar

Three reasons to get out of bed:

1. someone, somewhere is waiting for me

2. the bathroom is down the hallway

3. the dog has to pee

Two people I love:

1. my family [if i have to pick one, i'll feel bad. that's new for me. so stuff it.]

2. BK

One thing I love about myself:

that i'm valued by those around me for being all of the things that drive some people nuts about me.


Blogger kimmyk said...

you work far too much. you need to slow down....

how do you polish marble? better yet, when do you have time?

*love* the last sentence!

Blogger yorlor said...

if you don't know what i mean when i say polish the marble, i'm gonna have to call jamie and offer my condolences.
kudos on your praise.

Blogger kimmyk said...

hey, is BK burger king?
you don't eat that shit do ya yorlor?

tell me ya dont even if ya have to lie to me.

although i useta love their fries about 6 years ago.

Blogger yorlor said...

.... i would do a lot of things for a double whopper with cheese most nights. but i can't bring myself to walk into the place. my veins cry out "remember, you love us!! you don't want to end up like patient [room number, name or voice creeps into mind]. right?"

but i could say the same for a dildo. so maybe i should turn those voices off and get me a burger.


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