Monday, March 17, 2008

...but i meme, i can handle...

come on!! kimmyk made me do it! and it only took me, like three weeks to see it...

Rules: [because there are always rules]
You must post the rules before you give your answers.
You must list one fact about yourself for each letter of your middle name.
Each fact must begin with that letter.
If you don't have a middle name, just use your maiden name.
After you've been tagged, you need to update your blog with your middle name and answers.
At the end of your post, you need to tag one person for each letter of your middle name.

e- empathetic. frighteningly so, at times.
m- mothering. i have been mistaken for a mom in public because i actually [gasp] climb into the sand box with the kiddie poos! or [heaven forbid!] kiss their sweaty little foreheads when i pick them up at school! or [please God no!!] refuse to take lip from anyone under four feet tall. that's right. i'm your nanny. love it.
i- intoxicatingly good story teller.
l- lickable [i have more letters, kim, i can get sassy the first time.]
y- you really want to see me smile.


deep breath.

i had a really nice story in there about my niece, but on all the pinche cut and pasting i managed to close this silly little screen and -whoops!- there it went. you'll just have to ask me about it another time.

now.... to pick on five helpless, unsuspecting people...

e- eat your cupcake does she know i read her regularly? maybe i should post on her site next...
m- mom i prefer your given middle name, it's got more letters.
i- i know not what good ol ac slater, she'll do it faster than i did.
l- lick it, slick damn, i am having to get all sorts of creative to get you folks involved...
y- you. you're reading this. tell me in a comment to come on over and check your shit out. do it. now. go. come on. quit being a puss and just go do it.


Blogger Maria said...

Nope...had no idea, you lurker, you...

I'll try to get to this meme, but you do realize it means making up a middle name because I will DIE before I tell what my real one is. It is sheer hideous that's what it is...

Blogger yorlor said...

maybe i should make up a middle name for you... how about petunia?


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