Wednesday, October 31, 2007

69's a charm

my post, you sicko, my 69th post... dude. keep it in your pants.

i wish i had happier news to report:

my BK has stopped all her treatment.

her pain has jumped in the past week and a half and her pain meds would knock a college football team on it's ass. i'm working to find her an acupuncturist that makes house calls.

the pharmacists were so accomodating and compassionate when i went to pick up some meds that i cried. his face was so honest: "i know how much she needs this, they normally order x and this is for y, and we don't have that much in stock..." so he gave us what he could and called her MD to tell him why she would need more of a controlled substance sooner than he planned her to need it. i told him about the other changes i knew of, and the manager came over to tell me she would make sure to order them so that B could get what she needed. "wow. [sniff] that means the world to us. thank you. really. thank you."

it's getting harder to go into work, especially when walking into her house seems to alleviate something from her pain. even if only the loneliness.

forgive my absence. i can't be everywhere for a while.

until then,
be well.


Blogger kimmyk said...

I'll be saying a big heartfelt prayer for B and her family and for you YL.

My heart goes out to all of you.


Blogger ac said...

I understand in a very personal way what you are going through. You and BK will be in my thoughts. Blessing to you both.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm certainly thinking of you all...

My heartfelt wishes and good thoughts are with BK.

And you.


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