Tuesday, November 20, 2007

still here

and so is BK. she called the other day. we missed each other when i went out of town to see the fam [sorry, kim] and wasn't able to make my appointed day [thursday] to be with her. now that she's on hospice, her family and i rotate days.

to be honest, it can be easier for her when i'm there, because it's so hard for her mom. there's so little we have control over in this crazy situation, that mom tends to grasp whatever she can control and ride it three ways from sunday. i can't blame her. i'd likely do the same if it were my daughter. but it isn't. it's my best friend. so i just go with what i'm given for the day. sometimes it's easier.

she called to say hello and asked me if there was anything she could do for me [work situation got shaken up like a snow globe in the hands of a toddler] and i swear i cried. she just listens to me like noone else. and she cheers me on, even when i can't feel my [proverbial] feet, she keeps me moving.


i'm going to miss the sound of her voice.

i framed a card she made me tonight and joined it to a couple of other pieces she's made me. i began a whole shelf, complete with mementos and three dimensional objects. just like she would do it.

she's bringing me home to myself.

this whole period is about returning home to myself.

i don't know why it is i keep running away from myself.

maybe this time, i'll stick around.

[keep a good thought at 3:30 pm central standard time on the 26th of this month. i've got an interview for a counseling position. long story, short moral: even three year olds can put things where they belong.]

rest in peace: JV ~ my cousin lost an amazing friend this weekend. JV has been battling leukemia for some time. he was surrounded by family and friends that bless the soul. may they all find a little peace this holiday season in each other's presence. peace to you, my good friend. and God speed. keep an eye out for my girl.


Blogger ac said...

Your words always touch me.

Happy Thanksgiving yorlor.
Bless you.
Bless you in every way.

Peace. ac

Blogger kimmyk said...

maybe another time yl. maybe i'll see you.

i'm sorry to hear about bk. i'll be thinking about her and you.

i'll keep thinking good thoughts for your interview next week. and you're right 3 years olds can be taught anything. it's when they're 33 you can't get through to 'em. lol.

happy thanksgiving to you. i am blessed to know you.

Blogger Where fibers meet mud said...

Happy Thanksgiving.

What time are the leftover being served? Ours went out the door with more...

Peace to you and BK. What a witness to life this journey... strength and honor and trust...

330 pm Monday...may the schwartz be with you...

On the new adventures with Cat Bouhrdi and her crazy ways to cover feet - very interesting learning curve for sure... tomorrow we start again... thank God that yarn is forgiving and I have three more days off to play...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're still here and we're all still thinking about you and BK.

I hope the little trip to visit the fam helped to clear your mind, if even only for a few hours.

Best wishes, girl.

Blogger kimmyk said...

how did your interview go?

how's bk doing?

Blogger yorlor said...

got the offical "thanks, but no thanks" letter upon my return from guate.

when becky is done i'll push for something new. until then i'm just gonna do what i'm doing, not rock the boat or require more out of the universe than i'm already asking.


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