Monday, August 27, 2007

monday, oh monday

monday, oh monday,

hate is a strong word, but i really, really, really don't like you.

whenever monday comes, you can find me crying, all of the time.


it was a blessed sunday.

i worshipped at the church of the bedside table. [ba-dum-ching!]

i woke up, cleaned the house a bit, hung new curtain rods, planted spinach and peas, moved things around in my room, put my bed back where i like it [diagonally, not box like], swept up a LOT of feather down [i am a comfort whore, feather down is smooshy and yum], made sun tea, watched a friend get off the train behind my house, chased her down and said hello, made dinner, framed some photos, watched a clockwork orange, caught up with HM and drew a little.

it feels good to be getting back to myself.

i still have those photos waiting for me to fix them...

here's a couple of Betty from, like, two weeks ago. i let her go outside [yes, i put her outside on the deck in indirect sunlight so she could get her nature groove on. i'm a good plant mom, i am] and SHE CAUGHT A FLY!!!

can you see the eye lash looking things? the fly must have struggled so much she clasped her little palms so tightly she INVERTED THEM!!! oh honey! come to momma!!

look here, you can see the bug swimming in plant juices. yum yum. gives you a small idea of how our bellies work. belly juices slosh around with delicious and tastey food stuffs and then the belly sucks out all of the yummy good juices and leaves poop.

well there ya go. pictures and an anatomy/physiology lecture.

damn, girl's a catch. who's payin'?


Blogger ac said...

You plant is as lovely as you are clever. Have a great week. ac

Blogger yorlor said...

sg- you like spiders because they eat flies? ???

ac- always good for the ego booster. spanks.

k- my bedroom has five walls, so the head of the bed is flush with one of them, which puts the bed diagonal in the room, which i just like a whole lot better. the window is over my head. i open the curtains while i'm waking up. it's just better for my being.
as for communion, dude, so sad. nursed one beer while cleaning all day and then drank tea while watching a movie.
guess i excercised my liver a little too much last weekend. oops.

Blogger kimmyk said...

my friend is all about the fung shui and she says that to achieve chi [is that the word?] your bed either must be at the foot of your bed so the air flows up or at the head so the air flows out your feet. my window is beside my bed over there > so maybe thats why i'm not sleeping so well these days. how are you sleeping with your window above your head?


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