Saturday, August 11, 2007

guide you home

[Coldplay ~ Fix you]

When you try your best but you don’t succeed
they really said no. again.
When you get what you want but not what you need
to be honest. i am happy with the letter.
not just okay. but relieved. ecstatic.
When you feel so tired but you can’t sleep
they were ass holes and i seldom felt good about myself there.
Stuck in reverse
and yet, i gave them more than they deserved.

And the tears come streaming down your face
it feels weird to be comfortable, happy even at this juncture.
When you lose something you can’t replace
i spent yesterday afternoon laying on the deck
with a good book getting sun on my midriff.
When you love someone but it goes to waste
HM went shopping with me.
i needed the company.
and someone to tell me
how my ass looked
in a new pair of pants.
Could it be worse

Lights will guide you home
i'm going to see my touch stone in guatemala.
And ignite your bones
i've been invited to accompany a family to australia.
And I will try to fix you
my nieces are waiting for me to visit them in Troy.
all trips i wouldn't have made
if they had let me back in.

And high up above or down below
i may not have made all the best decisions.
When you’re too in love to let it go
but i did everything i knew to do
to keep it all together.
But if you never try you’ll never know
i had no idea it would have ended like this.
i was working so damn hard.
Just what you’re worth
maybe i'm learning how to let it all go.

Lights will guide you home
it makes me tired.
And ignite your bones
to think of all the shit i did
because i thought it was
what i was supposed to do.
And I will try to fix you
they couldn't convince me to try otherwise.
i couldn't hear them over the din
of my own madness.

Tears stream down your face
and yet they love me.
When you lose something you cannot replace
they love me enough to let me make these mistakes.
Tears stream down your face
and they love me enough to take me in
when i can't stand the sight of myself.
And i…

Tears stream down your face
i started running.
I promise you
because it was all i could think to do with myself.
I will learn from my mistakes
it's funny that i wouldn't think twice to do it
for anybody else
Tears stream down your face
but it's hard to believe anyone would do it
for me.
And i…

Lights will guide you home

And ignite your bones

And I will try to fix you
i'm coming.


Blogger kimmyk said...

australia? for reals? how cool is that.

if you come here and you dont call me....i will be so sad.

now, am i to assume it was the college that didn't let you back in? if so, that sucks. maybe try another? just don't give up. but maybe start again after you go trotting about the world. ya think?

i don't much like coldplay. but we can still be friends right?

i love how you wrote this post by the way....very creative. like yourself.

keep your chin up...

Blogger ac said...

What a fitting song for your story. If it's meant to be, you'll get back to it.
I'm so proud of you. You have integrity.
Blessings to you yorlor.. and tight hugs from someone who admires you very much. ac

Blogger yorlor said...

yes australia. more as it comes. it might not happen. the invitation alone was pretty freaking flattering.
"hey, wanna be responsible for our kids in another country?"
"um, hell yeah, i do."

the sisters are trying to figure out when they are coming back out here. i've [happily] obligated myself to attend a football game to watch the first niece play her sax. band camp was rediculously vigorous, so i'm expecting my money's worth in megabus.

if i can swing it, i'd love to come scream for your kids, too.

even if i can't make his game, i couldn't forgive myself for not seeing you. promise. pinky promise.

as for school yeah, it was the one that won't let me back in. so i'm gonna start working all the doctor's who offered connections. that and putting away the cash for my trips. everyone is asking why i don't pursue other careers. ... ack. makes my head hurt.

as for coldplay, we can totally still be friends, because the idea of "fixing someone" makes my skin crawl a little bit. but it's the sound of the song that carries me. just comforting a little.

Blogger kimmyk said...

it'll all work'll see.

love ya.


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