Saturday, July 14, 2007

a slight diversion

forgive me if i must wander from other topics to keep you informed.

BK was in and out of the hospital this week with a gut bleed.

she didn't call me until she was ready to go back home. i called tonight while she was at dinner with her loving husband.

i just saw her on monday with my niece.

we watched eddie izzard's definite article.

i kept falling asleep.

busy me.

they're wanting to take her off blood thinners because the idea of a clot is less frightening then bleeding to death out of your stomach.

already the pain in her leg [the one that has had a deep vein thrombosis [DVT or clot] before, the one that has a sieve in it to catch clots, the one that is drop foot and limp and pale and nerve damaged from this rediculous monster of a tumor that just won't go the fuck away] is too much to bear and she is making cocktails of one nature on top of cocktails of another nature to get away from herself, if even for a moment.


i'm off to bed so's i can get up work a morning shift. a gift from a co-worker who let me stay home one extra day last week to run around with my niece. photos and stories to post later this week.

Lordisa have mercy on our souls.


Blogger kimmyk said...

sorry to hear about BK.

glad you had a good time with your neice though. can't wait for the pictures. we've never seen you...wonder if we ever will???

sending prayers bk's way.

Blogger ac said...

It's good to hear your BK has cocktails of any nature to help her cope. She will be in my thoughts and prayers. I too look forward to photos of whatever you have to show. Blessings upon you and yours. ac


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