Wednesday, August 29, 2007

are we there, yet?

so apparently ya'll have nothing better to do than sleep all these wee hours i'm riding the night shift on the second half of a mighty double sitting for a patient who's roomate shares a fondness for diddling his fiddle [i shit you not. what is it with boys and their junk? especially when they don't feel good. it's as if someone is going to walk away with it? ... excuse me? you need help getting to the bathroom? no problem. just don't touch me with your hands and we'll be fine as pie. ... you're done in there? okay, let's wash your hands. i'm sorry, you need to use soap. ... no, you gotta scrub those puppies. ... yes, i know exactly where your hands have been. now, if you don't mind, please scrub them again or i'm gonna do it for you. .... thank you. let's get you back in bed. ~shudders~].

i promised kimmyk some photos of skinny cows, but i'm at work, so a link is gonna have to cut it.

back to my charge. i know that my patient isn't exactly right in the head, but shitting on the floor? come on!!! i spent my morning handling the 3 year old's peanut to keep him from peeing on his shorts at the park and now i'm spending my night handling a grown [but not much larger...] peanut to keep from having to change the whole bloody bed, again.


now don't get me wrong. in my time "on the floor" i have scrubbed me some peanuts, washed me some wieners, handled me some exterior plumbing. i know that in some oysters lie a beautiful pearl or two, but cripes, honey. now i know the ones can't stop handling their junk on the outside of this joint are afraid someone's gonna come take what little they got!

deee-um. gurrrrrl is out.

truth be told, gurrrrrl is pulled by her lunar crux. hormones in full flux. titties in full bloom and painful as a kick in the nads. this on top of some little hairline fractures that normally get washed out by a good day makes for ONE CRABBY ASSS LITTLE LADY! chocolate has nothing on me now.

i tried.

a patient dropped off a wine box full of hershey's kisses.

gee shucks. just what my fat ass needed. thanks.

more truths be told [i'm in that kind of mood, and you like it, so shaddup already] i was hurting yesterday when i had to come back into work after a fairly great weekend and a perfectly splendid sunday putting my space back in order. dishes, laundry, the kitchen floor, pitching clothes i never wear anymore, floor boards, and i cleared half the crap off my desk and brought the art supplies back out of hiding. ... it was like a honeymoon for my me-ness.

and then i had to go back to work.

and i was bloated.

and crabby.

and pissed that i work that hard.

aren't you glad you only have to read my lovliness, my lovelies?

and so it hit me.

or rather, i hit it.

the bottom.

more or less.

close enough. as close as i want to get to the bottom ever again in this realm.

i'm tired of being tired. and i'm tired of being too tired that i can't enjoy the people i know and love when i finally make time to see them. i'm tired of being lonely and tired of being pissed.

so friday morning i have an appointment with human resources to see what career options i have going for me while i'm not in school this fall.

depending on how that goes, i may schedule a couple appointments with head hunters.

i got skills.

i got talents.

i got titties. [that's for you, FS]

so give this bitch a better f'n paying job. she works her pretty little ass off. [notice it got smaller when i was working and not chowing down the poor quality chocolate? yeah.... i did.]

at any rate. i'm'unna go read some more blogs.

much love,


Blogger SpanishGoth said...

Think I'll definitely go for the lesbian lessons rather than lessons on how to handle peanuts

Blogger ac said...

You are so funny and interesting even when you are tired.

I'm sorry you're tired yorlor but I'm happy you're writing. I heart you


this much.

Good luck to you little pixie. ac

Blogger kimmyk said...

You whackjob. You crack me up with all your spewing. I hate it when people don't wash their hands. ESPECIALLY after holding their junk. Why would I want to take your junk? I don't even wanna see it let alone take it. Gimme a break. Nasty asses.

We don't have skinny cows here. I've never seen 'em. I have had the sugar free [cause you know that's how I roll these days] ice cream sammiches. I bet they taste similar. Just without the cow of course. And let's think about that-whose brilliant marketing idea was it to name a product *insert word* cow. COW? That's what every girl wants to read on the box of ice cream she's eating reminding her she too can be a cow if she continues eating the chocolatey goodness. Whatever. Pass me a ice cream sammich and turn the light off.

I thought you were going to go travel this summer. Oh but summer is over isn't it? No Australia? Gonna give it up to the man, eh? [figuratively not literally cause I know you...and that AINT how you roll...gotcha].

Yeah FS5 he loves the boobies doesn't he? I bet if he had some he wouldn't like 'em so much when they feel like rocks every month. Maybe he would...he's wierd like that.

Okay back to work for me. Lunchtime is over and my doggies are fed and watered.

Peace out.

Blogger kimmyk said...

Yeah, no I don't think she knows what she was talking about. That made me laugh first thing this morning when I read that.

Blogger yorlor said...

lay off the vrack with the cheerios, alright? i don't who you are referring to in the second comment. me, you? are you even talking to this group of people?

the australia trip is tentative for february. the guate trip is december. upon signing paperwork for new hire the line is "i would like to give my employer two weeks notice. i will be in town for thanksgiving and christmas, but i do have a vacation scheduled for these dates."

been there, done that, will likely do it again.

sg- time and place.

Blogger kimmyk said...

your comment on my post about the lack of sex for 3 days for jamie. you said...

yorlor said...

she has no idea what she's talking about does she?

9:43 PM

that's what i was talking about. yorlor, keep up okay?

if i can be flexible? i use to be real flexible. i don't think i can do backbends anymore. i'll try and get back to ya.

Blogger yorlor said...

kimmyk- give a girl a little credit, eh? ya'll and you're comment hopping. i finally got up to speed with having these strings of convo on the blog and not over email [silly me, not posting my little convos] and now i'm supposed to remember what?

*shakes head and reaches into fridge for a beer*

wine's a comin' roasting peppers. photos later [cuz i'm turning into that kind of dork, my lovelies].



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