Thursday, January 25, 2007

glad to be where i am

...i started this post on the 25th.... it is now 4 days later.

so, kimmyk asked who HM was. sorry... i learned to blog from my mother, who referred to my father as DH [dear hubby, or some such nonsense] and didn't elaborate.

HM is my house mate. a friend from college who fishes in another pond [she ain't gay] but we get along real well. well enough that when i got wind she was moving back into the city from out of state i called and said "i need to move back north. what say we get an apartment before Christmas and you freak out your parents (she's 30...) by moving into the big city without a job." we did. she did. they did. and we're all okay.

i'm single, and a homo, so sometimes i feel like i have to be careful when identifying key players in my life. we [the royal we, also those who know and love me well enough to keep me humble] joke about my having an estranged straight husband, an ex gay boyfriend [always gay, not an exodusite, scary, no?], a misstress [now, that is just fun], a straight girl friend and i even had a request for a baby mama to join the group and give me beautiful indian babies. so it comes as no shocker that HM has been jocularly referred to as "the wife."

but i am a single, healthy, intelligent, drama-rama-free lesbian who is currently looking for that special dyke [while i'm open, i have deep moments of weakness for those who bend gender harder and further than i...] to fill another position all together: preferrably 50 or 60 of them .... so one must be careful with descriptions.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

It really is quite bizarre how well we get along. I'm straight and trying to find men to date. While "the wife" is gay and trying to find women to date. I weed out the men in my life by telling them about my HM. I'm pro-homo, any man in my life is gonna need to be too. Telling the guys about my lesbian roommate manages to scare the pointless ones away so I don't waste my time. It really is a brilliant arrangement.

And I occasionally get her to wear long earrings and high heels.


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