Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Today is brought to you by the letter "Learning"

Wow. Learning kicks my back side.

To those who know me, this may sound completely odd. I love to learn. I love to meet new people, learn about their passions, their lives, their needs [I am a nurse-to-be, afterall]. I even love learning practical things: how to fix stuff, make stuff, knowing how things work. And I'm good at learning. (parenthetical note [obviously]: a particular friend of mine would Capitalize that phrase, so as to make it Obviously Important. I'm opting for italics. I like the slant it brings to things.) But Life Lesson Learning (oops, so much for slanty) sucks.

it makes me feel like i'm not as good at things as i once thought i was, or should be. maybe that was the point.


At any rate.... we have fantastic things to promote!

In keeping with my desire to not only expand my education, but to educate others, we begin with Gender.

Leslie Feinberg is an amazing witness to the possibilities of educating the public about gender and identify. Here is a gentle introduction from curve magazine into the wonderous and intricate world of wholeness. There is a link at the bottom of the article to Leslie's Web site. I'll leave it to you to peruse further.

I am short on time and must attend to things that are not in the internet [imagine!]. More in store for you soon.

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