Monday, January 22, 2007

breathe out

and then there are days i don't feel so bad.

i have three jobs, and i love each of them.

i have an amazing apartment with a great HM. we have enough room and ammenities to help a friend in need and to host guests from out of town, even if i'm working all weekend.

i have a family who loves me, and drives me crazy.

i have had a couple of dates that left me smiling.

some how, even if not in the intended destination, i am still in the right place. a good place. a place that allows me to Give. a place that welcomes my Giving. a place that Benefits from my Giving.

so there.

my five year old continues to challenge the adults in his life.

...i don't think they intended to pay me to blog tonight. so i'll go back to reading.

much love.

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Blogger kimmyk said...

Explain to me what 'HM' means would ya?

3 jobs? Ugh. 1 kills me. Let alone 3. Pfft. Not a chance.

What I wouldn't give to have one of my children 5 again. Mine are 13 1/2 and 14 1/2 and I'm tellin' ya...they are challenging me to the point I'm thinking of drinking. Like a lot.

Glad to hear you're in a good place in your life. A lot of people would rather fuss and bitch/complain about their lives-not many people say they're thankful/grateful.

Way to change it up around here in the blogsphere.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know what I like? Capital Letters. Good job with the Blogging.


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