Tuesday, January 09, 2007

aught seven

i think that's how it's spelled, the fifty-cent phrase for the year. last year i had but two resolutions: getting through my nursing program and getting laid.

i feel like i haven't accomplished either, although it may depend upon your definition... at any rate, this year bodes better, already.

i have been singing Hate by The Plain White T's all damn day, and not because i have anyone to sing it about, not even her. it is simply a jazzy little song and i like to sing it.

point in case: i recieved a warm fuzzy from a patient tonight. no lie. a simple note in pencil on a piece of scratch paper the patient got from a nurse or another tech: "you are born to do this. so 25 years from now when you're doing this, look back and remember what you enjoy doing, which is helping others! thanks for everything!" no digits [thank you]. no shmooshiness. just a genuine warm fuzzy.

and i'm still singing this song!! just jazzerific.

if 2006 taught me anything it is that i have a lot to offer, i come with many gifts. not everyone knows what to do with those gifts. some people get downright angry with them. some people feel like they have to give back. some people don't know how to say thank you. some people think they have to pay for them. and i still find reasons to give. mostly because i can. i'm a damn fine nurse.

now let's see what 2007 can do about that.

to you and yours....

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Blogger kimmyk said...

Hi Yorlor,

I'm not sure how I found you a few weeks ago, but I've been reading pretty often. I just wanted to say 'hi' and thanks for the link over there. Pretty cool.

Anyways, now that you've got comments enabled...let's begin shall we....

That was pretty nice of your patient to leave you the note. I hear pencil doesn't fade like pen so I hope you keep that special note and cherish it and look back on that when you're having a crappy ass day. It's good to be appreciated.

I'm gonna have to check out the tune.


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