Monday, September 10, 2007

over here!!

i'm here, behind the bottles of advil, airbourne, boxes of alka seltzer cold, sinus and night time, the remains of the ginger root i made tea with, next to the vial of lucifer's lil yellow pepper i've been adding to everything to sweat this beast of a illness out of my body. i even consulted my mom and started a 5 day z-pac i had stored away for such nasty occassion. everything was swollen and achey. i cancelled all my plans for the weekend. slept. sweat. chugged the fluids and sweat some more. my lungs still sound like seagulls when i exhale. off to the store to get some mucinex before work.
wish me the best.


Blogger kimmyk said...

oh my god you're dying! you shouldn't be working!

sounds like you got all the goodies...cept i dunno nothin' bout no yellow pepper.

drink plenty of fluids
get your rest
and call me in the morning.

that's my rx for you.

get well soon yorlor!

Blogger SpanishGoth said...

You should try the medicine invented by Dr Jack Daniels. That, and shit loads of water later - oh, and tell work to F**k off, or I can come over and do that bit for you

Get well soon

*Gothic hugs*

Blogger yorlor said...

k- i gained ten pounds from the fluids i pushed saturday alone. managed to piss off seven by sunday. talk about depressing. needless to say i'm trading in my bubbling treatments for those with less sodium.

sg- [wipes her snot from yer sweater] thanks.

i've busted out the jameson tonight. which is only more amuzing if you realized how many words i've had to retype in this comment, alone.

if it weren't for the love my patients have given me in the past week, alone, i would have told work to feg off long ago. as for the administration, they already know when i want them to get bent, but it feels good to know you're the gothic in my pocket.

lesbish kishes.


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