Tuesday, June 05, 2007

captain's log: stardate, last saturday

this morning, as i was biking myself to the pool and trying to convince my muscles that they did, indeed, want to contract and relax and propell my body towards my destination, i couldn't help but wish that i was on my way down 65 to 74 to come sit on your deck and do a lot of nothing but laugh and maybe make some chicken salad with grapes in it, and maybe a jar of sun tea.
i made it through my morning and into the hospital, where i quickly agreed to sit on my can for eight hours and prop my eyes open with industrial strength coffee while i listen to old westerns on the patient's tv.
all in all it may not be a bad night. but i still wish i was headed down that interstate to hear you laugh and sigh.
hope all is well,
love you,


Blogger kimmyk said...

Where does your momma live Yorlor?
I think a much deserved vacation is in order. You need a break. Go see your mom.

I love chicken salad with grapes in it and sun tea! I can't make chicken salad for shit or egg salad for that matter. Two reasons I love going home too.

Blogger ac said...

aw... That is so sweet.

Blogger yorlor said...

i went home the first week of may to see my mom [and dad and sisters and nieces] which is probably why i miss her so much, cuz i can still hear her in my head and feel her in my arms. what hugs my mom gives. just what you need. that and the plants she sent me home with are doing gang busters. and it's summer and i miss her. she's coming up to see me this fall and the sisters and nieces will be here in a matter of weeks. dad prefers to sleep in his own bed.
i almost wrote "slater" after that. ha.


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