Saturday, April 21, 2007

how to survive a double

1. bring fresh panties [girls or boys], wash and change at half time. makes a world of difference. more important on nights you're working the floor and can get a little funky.

2. bring snacks from home. yeah, i know you're going to eat the pizza they order on evenings anyway. of course, you're going to drink that extra coke. sure, that tub of skippy peanut butter goes well on so many things: graham crackers, white bread, apples, a spoon. but don't you feel better eating those carrot sticks and a string cheese at 3 am?

3. bring other things to do. ain't no way you're gonna have no time from 3 pm to 7 am to sit on your kiester and do something else. like, a book, sudoku, something to write in, draw in, homework, letters to mom, list of things to put in your blog... you get the idea.

4. pace your caffeine intake. to be frighteningly honest, i've had sips of coffee since i got here. i'm trying not to soar then crash. i filled the french press with Mate and Chai before i left. that had me shaking through dinner.

...okay, that was fun for a minute. they have me working the desk tonight. a joy and pleasure reserved for "student nursing assistants" .... is now a good time to say i'm not a student anymore? i wish. it wouldn't get me out of this mess. i make a terrible secretary. i used to be good at it, but now that i'm a hands on patients kind of girl, this shit drives me crazy!

phones that don't stop ringing for hours. nurses who want you to page doctors, but Lordisa above forbid the nurse actually knows the name of the doctor they want to speak to. orders that you have to enter on the computer in a system you have minimal experience entering orders on. two entire computer systems to track patients, one of which you have no access to, the other to which you've had zero training.

and then the night shift comes on. you've got two assistants on the floor and it's fairly dead-ass quiet, and you're answering lights to keep them from beeping your ass insane!

maybe i shouldn't pull doubles anymore.... maybe i should win the lottery.

okay, okay. 5. dick around on google image because you can't pull up photos to post.


Blogger ac said...

I followed Kimmyk over here. I'm glad I did. Can I hang out here with the kool kids? This is my new favorite spot.

Hi yorlor.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch, dude. Pulling a double sounds unpleasant. Glad you have your strategies for coping. If you did a double last night, I hope you're still sleeping it off right now.

Blogger kimmyk said...

My kids always talk about Sudoku...I've seen it, but I've never attempted...probably a reason for that-looks pretty hard. Especially in the wee hours of the morn trying to stay awake through a double.

Fresh panties are key. To pretty much anything I think. Not a thong. I hate thongs. I'm a cotton panty sort of girl. Breeatttheee.

P'butter on graham crackers? I love that!! Carrot sticks suck.

Get some sleep.

Blogger Terroni said...

This reminded me of my nursing assistant job. I paid my way through college by wiping ass. I say that because, some days, I swear that's all I did for 18 hours.

So, have you had diarrhea in your mouth yet? It also pairs nicely with peanut butter.

Blogger yorlor said...

terroni -

um.... ew.

ac -

yes. welcome. bring others.

cito -

long story very short, i was sick on the couch all day tuesday and think i finally busted the fever this morning on my way to hang out with the 3 year old. lessons learned...

kk -

sudoku isn't too bad. it's easy to put down and come back to in a moment's notice. samuri sudoku [five sudokus overlapping] is crazy cakes.

love to all.


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