Thursday, April 12, 2007

still feeling badly?

did you get this cake, today?
me neither.
but i *did* get a letter from the alternate nursing school. the one that was very respectable in telling me i was pissing up a rope with my transfer attempt. they have officially taken a pass on me enrolling this fall.
i'm not that upset. i kind of knew the answer already. i've started a savings account. i'm rearranging my credit card debt. i'm making calls to consilidate and otherwise fix the loans so that they are no so oppressive for a while. i'm looking into other jobs in the medical field. i'm getting ready to leave the house so i can teach some kiddie poos not to drown and have lots of parents tell me how great i am. i'm making a plan and sticking to it.
i haven't the slightest idea what i am going or supposed to do about this nursing school thing, right now.
my big sister says maybe i should back burner nursing school and pay down life for a while [my current debt load after a bachelors in psychology from a 4 year private university and my train wreck of a year in this accelerated nursing program is suffocatingly akin to someone with a mortgage and a car payment].
breathe in.
breathe out.


Blogger kimmyk said...

I love me some cake, but I don't want no cake like that thank you very much!

Sorry to hear about the school. Bummer. You didn't wanna go there anyways....they don't deserve you or your money. Piss on 'em.

Debt sucks. So does Herpes. Not that I know about the later...

Blogger kimmyk said...

You nut, I left you comments back on my blog. You crack me up. I hope you're having a good weekend.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's pretty much the best cake ever.

Sorry about the school thing, hon, but I'm glad you're feeling good about getting some other ducks in a row.

You can do it.

Happy thoughts from far away...


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