Tuesday, April 24, 2007


i'm half watching episode three of season four of the west wing for the second time. i'm going to have to watch it again, another time, when i can pay attention.

i was tripping through the next blog button and found terroni. i stole dive's idea from terroni.

i have a million and one things to say, after reading some other blogs i was brought to by mutual bloggers [oh, lordisa, that sounds lame] and can't bring myself to say any of it.


1. You can flip a switch that will wipe any band or musical artist out of existence. Which one will it be?

michael bolton. i once stopped an MRI because michale bolton came on the radio. they had just started a nine minute scan. i tried to tell them without them having to stop the scan, but they couldn't hear me over the diggs-digga-digga-digga-whirrr of it all.

2. What is your favourite cheese?

Munster. or farmers. oh shit. i use three pounds of cheese and milk to make a home made mac and cheese my old roomies used to call "death by dairy." i even like squeaky cheese curds and, occasionally, processed cheese slices. my mom fed us Velveeta and spam sandwiches. ... i drink soy milk so i don't have to cut back on cheese. next question.

3. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your immediate disposal. What kind will you make?

i make a frightening dagwood. if i'm making myself it's roast beef, ham, genoa salami, pickles, bell peppers, miracle whip, provolone, black olives, green peppers, dijon mustard, munster on toasted rye bread with a large pinch of cole slaw. ... slurp. if you're making it, it's a wet reuben [turkey or corned beef] with extra thousand island.

4. You, Elvis and Princess Diana (yeah, I know they both smell a bit now but you'd still give 'em one; right?) are in a dog sled, fleeing across the Siberian wastes with wolves in hot pursuit. The wolves are catching up fast. Who would you throw out to gain speed and why?

elvis, his coke habit clearly put me in this situation to begin with and maybe sir elton john will write songs about me and lady di.

5. You have the opportunity to sleep with the movie celebrity of your choice. We are talking no-strings-attached sex and it can only happen once. Who is the lucky celebrity of your choice?

james spader. [i would say hillary swank as brandon tina, but james is so calculating it makes me twist in my chair. i'll let you know when a movie screen dyke takes this cake.]

6. You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who do you pick?

melissa etheridge ~~ girl can get a crowd going

7. Now that you’ve slept with two different people in a row, you seem to be having an excellent day because you just came across a hundred-dollar bill on the sidewalk. Holy shit, a hundred bucks! How are you gonna spend it?

honestly, if you hand me a hundred bucks i'm not accountable for, i'm going to take someone out to eat and spend the rest at the thrift store, maybe buy a bottle of wine if there's anything left over.

8. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?

right now, NYC to see someone i'd enjoy being around. i also feel comfortable showing up at this doorstep with the clothes on my back.

9. Upon arrival to the aforementioned location, you get off the plane and discover another hundred-dollar bill. Now that you are in the new location, what are you gonna do?

dinner and a new outfit from Yellow Rat Bastard. or sell my soul for tickets to see david letterman.

10. Your dream date. Who, where and why?

who: she's roughly my height and size. boyish. almost painfully so at times. she loves what she does and she loves kids. neither one of us is in charge. we work together. sometimes she leads, sometimes it's me. i don't care who pays or orders, as long as she smiles and can't stop looking at my mouth.

where: dinner outside. either a restaurant or a picnic. hell, we could go to a potluck group thing and tell stories on each other. making me blush is not easy, but she could do it with a glance. then something we could get some steam out over. swimming, playing with someone else's kids, taking the dogs to the lake, climbing. we retire quietly, at home, hers or mine. maybe a shower, definitely some wine, some music, some close dancing. if you can't figure out what happens next, i feel sorry for you.

why: i deserve it.

11. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. It is…?

jameson, the devil. i love her so.

12. Okay; girls and gay guys stand over here; guys and lesbians over there (I know and love my readership) …Girls and gay guys first: You're in bed with Marilyn Monroe, Doris Day and Salma Hayek. Who's gonna be the lucky girl? (you're only allowed one).And similarly, guys and lesbians: You're in bed with Cary Grant, Paul Newman and Johnny Depp. Who's gonna be the lucky guy? (again, you're only allowed one).Give your reasons.

johnny depp. hands down. [although i have me some serious love for paul newman.] from 21 jump street, through benny and joon to the pirates. you've seen that poster where he's playing a piano, smoking? hot. and secure enough in his masculinity to bed this lesbian.

13. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?

take off your shoes.

14. What is your favorite curse word?

you monosyllabic, mouth-breathing fool, i don't use words. i use phrases.

15. Your house is on fire! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object (that's "inanimate" … leave your kids to burn; you know you want to). So what’s the item?

fuck that shit. a crate of my journals and writings. girl's gotta build her fortune.

16. The Angel of Death has descended upon you. Fortunately, the Angel of Death is pretty cool and in a good mood, and it offers you a half-hour to do whatever you want before you bite it. Whatcha gonna do in that half-hour?

***edited answer***
sorry, i gave this one some thought. F that person.
i'd go see my mom. what we would talk about is beyond posting here on this blog.
she'll take care of everything else.

17. Truthfully, what underwear are you currently wearing?

truthfully, at the moment, nothing. i just got in from work, walked the dog, showered and am wearing sweats from the thrift store and a ratty-ass v-neck sleeveless undershirt. no panties. none. at all.

18. You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?

when i graduated college, we had a party at the house. all the rellies came in from out of town. the power went out. we sat on the front porch and sang songs. john denver and the songs my dad raised us on. the songs my aunties used to sing to me and my sisters before they had kids of their own. we sat there and laughed and enjoyed each other's company and were each secretly grateful that the game wasn't on TV.

19. Moses trips on his robe and drops the stone tablets. Commandment number eleven is broken off. He leaves it there as his back is killing him. What does it say?

if ye stick thine head so far up thine ass that ye forgets all that is good and wonderful in this world, i will still love thee and clean the shit from thine face with my own spit on my thumb.

20.You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?

tough call. most of my horrible experiences have made me what i am. but recently, i kissed someone else's wife [damn that jameson!], and it bothered someone i would like to consider a good friend more so than the wife [to whom i confessed immediately]. if i could not have been in a position to compromise my friendship with her, i would do it. she is one of the only other women i know who pushes the envelope as hard as i do at work and with her friends. i fucked up. and i feel like an asshole for that.

21. Rufus appears with the time machine and a custard pie. Who's gonna get it?

me, moments before above mentioned situation. i would like to think that getting pied in the face after a double and some whiskey might make me loud and obnoxious, which would have kept me out of the corner with someone else's wife.

22. What part of your body would you change (no, you are NOT perfect; you gotta answer this one) and why?

i'm trying to lose 25 to 30 pounds. that should take care of what i'm not currently wild about. aside from that, i was a little too care free in highschool, so the girls could use a little pick-up, which is odd, because many a lover has complimented them...

23. You have been eternally banned from every single bar in the world except for ONE. Which one is it gonna be?

ha! this is so funny, it's not even hard to imagine! while i want to say Twisted
Spoke [keep those Road Rash Mary's coming!] i'd be just as at home with a juke box, a dart board and something smooth on tap. and yet, there is a little voice saying, "hmmm... my irish/german heritage and alcohol.... hmmm."

24. What's the last thing you ate?

graham crackers and peanut butter with chocolate ice cream at ten pm with my cohort at the hospital talking about how moody i was.

25. Hopefully you didn’t mention this in the super-powers question…. If you did, then we’ll just expand on that. Suddenly, you have gained the ability to float. Who are you going to show this to first?

there was a super-powers question?!?!?! i was cheated!!

i already float. i teach other people to float. i show them all of the time.

next question.

26. The Celestial Gates of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, once again Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person, etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?

when i was a sophomore in high-school, we lost a senior, who came to visit me after she died. i want to know what it is she was supposed to tell me, what it is we were supposed to accomplish, how it was she was supposed to link me to something or someone else. something in my life was supposed to be different because of her. i'd bring her back and for that reason only, would i go back to highschool.

27. What’s your theme song?

joyful girl, ani

28. When did you last have sex?

define sex. .... either way, much, much, much too long.


Blogger Terroni said...

I'm so glad you stopped by!
I had great fun reading your fabulous answers.
Check out smallglassplanet.blogspot for the whole meme (including the super-powers question).

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, so, I have to make a bunch of comments on this one. I will number them for ease of reference. Also because I am a Dork and I like numbered lists. (Numbers refer to numbers in meme.)

2. Holy crap, cheese is the Best. I could never choose just one.

5. I'm gonna go ahead and say that James Spader is a weird choice. Not judging - I'm sure I'm capable of weird choices, but it is, at the very least, an uncommon answer. Hillary Swank as Brandon Teena, though, is totally understandable.

6. That wouldn't be my first choice, but I heartily approve. Even _I_ would fuck Melissa Etheridge.

8. NYC? This response sounds like He Who Was In Central America? Am I mistaken as to who it is, or has there been a relocation?

10. Yes, you do deserve it.

12. (a) Good choice. (b) Of the three, I'd choose Salma Hayek. (c) Did you notice how the wording establishes four categories: guys, girls, gay guys, and lesbians? Why are lesbians excluded from the group "girls", and gay guys, despite having "guys" in their label, are excluded from the group "guys"? I'm not saying it's some sort of intentional slur, obviously; it's just something that caught my attention. Perhaps it doesn't mean anything.

16. I'm interested to know what the answer was before it was edited.

24. Graham crackers with peanut butter is among the Snacks of the Gods.

25. Best answer so far. This one made me laugh out loud. (I refuse the stupid acronym.)

26. This has nothing to do with your answer, but with all the questions about Death being a pretty cool entity it made me think of Neil Gaiman's _Death_, which is a pretty great comic, wherein Death is, in fact, a pretty cool, upbeat chick. If you ever happen to see it, it's worth checking out.

Anyway, those are my comments! Yay for lists!

Blogger yorlor said...


he who was in central america??? are we at hogwart's???

no. not him. someone else.

and as for wanting to know what 16 said before i changed it ... the world may never know.


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